
Slovakia is a landlocked nation in Central Europe. This means that it has no access to the ocean, and is surrounded by land on all sides. It is a relatively small nation. In fact, it is only about two times the size of the state of New Hampshire in the United States. Slovakia’s climate is humid at lower altitudes. This includes warm summers and humid winters. Though Slovakia is a relatively small country, it has a widely varied economy. Its major industries include many different manufacturing industries and agricultural products. The major industries include metal production, electricity, gas, oil, nuclear fuel, chemicals, machinery, paper, rubber products, textiles, and ceramics.


  • Population: 5.4 million people
  • Capital: Bratislava (0.4 million people)
  • Government: Parliamentary Republic
  • Language: Slovak
  • Currency: Euro (1 Euro is approximately INR.88)
  • Nearest Airport to Capital: Bratislava International airport (14 kms from city centre)

Slovakia is a safe, peaceful and friendly country. As per the Global Peace Index, Slovakia was in the 24th place among the safest countries in the world. English is the most widely spoken foreign language in Slovakia and in the younger generation in Slovakia. Bratislava Airport, It is the main international airport of Slovakia.

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Why study abroad in Slovakia from India?

Slovakia is the 3rd safest country in the EU with only rare reports of crime, violence or vandalism. Bratislava is a city with a low unemployment rate offering thousands of job positions. Bratislava, the only World’s capital bordering 2 countries, is historically a diverse cosmopolitan city inhabited not only by Slovaks, but also by Czechs, Germans, Hungarians and other nationalities. Slovakia grows fast not only in terms of GDP, but also in terms of its innovative and entrepreneurial potential. To enter a course or program on the tertiary level in Slovakia students must take one or more entrance examinations, the number of examinations and their content vary depending on what school you are applying for today Slovakia offers many undergraduate and graduate programs in English.

Cost of Living

The average monthly living expenses for a student while studying abroad in Slovakia is approximately between 300 and 500 Euros. This may vary a bit, depending on the location of the university and accommodation of students.

Stay back & Part Time Jobs

After study abroad in Slovakia for Indian students, a 12 months stay back option is provided. International students in Slovakia can work part time for 20 hours a week during academic times and 40 hours a week during vacation times.

Application Procedure

To know more about application procedure and intakes to study abroad in Slovakia, please contact our expert study abroad consultants. We shall guide you through the best courses to study abroad in Slovakia from India.

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